About Sessions with Janet

The goal of sessions is to help you feel the inherent worth of your Soul and to know that your life has purpose.

This involves liberation from the disempowering programs that are inherited from our ancestral lineage, taught to us by our culture, absorbed from the morphogenic field of humanity, carried forward from “past lives” or self created to protect us.

We aim not to vilify or judge these programs but to understand and transmute them through the frequencies of compassion. On a practical level, this could mean
– identifying and diminishing self defeating mental loops
– honoring and feeling suppressed emotions
– tuning into the tight or painful areas of your body with curiosity instead of criticism.

healing space with janet ashbySessions are comprised of some or all of the following modalities depending on what is most beneficial for you.

Hypnotherapy is used to understand and change existing subconscious self defeating thoughts, beliefs and habits and replace them with more loving, supportive ones in the body-mind. Healing change occurs when the new healthy patterns continue to be reinforced. Hypnotherapy modalities include cognitive hypnosis, inner child work, Emotional Freedom technique (tapping), past life regression, and spiritual hypnotherapy.

Biofield Tuning uses tuning forks to detect highly charged areas (triggers) in your energy field. These areas are often related to impactful past experiences that still contain suppressed  emotions or limiting thoughts. The coherent sound waves of the forks then help to calm the energy field, lessening the triggers over time. The coherent sound waves of the forks help to unravel the knots, release the charge and integrate the energy back into your central channel.

Intuition Medicine®
Intuition Medicine® is used to work with your “non-physical” energy fields such as your aura (biofield), your chakra system, and your meridian channels — all of which contribute to and affect your well being.  I use my gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience to help you balance these energy systems.

In Person Sessions: We begin with a 15 minute verbal check in to assess what reoccurring emotions/thoughts/patterns are coming up for you. Then we proceed into the healing room for a  75 minute Hypotherapy / Biofield Tuning / Intuition Medicine®. This is followed by 30 minutes of grounding, integration and relaxation. An additional 15 minutes may be added if more rest is deemed necessary. There is no extra charge for this.

Sessions are conducted on a memory foam lounge. You will remain fully clothed and a sheet and blankets are used for additional warmth and comfort.

In Person sessions are offered Tuesday – Saturdays at 1 pm.

Phone Sessions: I tune into your emotional body and we focus on feeling , healing and holding compassionate presence for any agitated emotions. Phone sessions also serve  to create and reinforce new supportive beliefs and energy patterns.

Phone Sessions are offered Tuesday – Saturday between 4 and 7 pm.

Go to Booking Sessions page to contact Janet.

* At least two phone sessions  are required after your initial in person session. Often you will continue to feel and release formerly suppressed “difficult” emotions a few days following your first session. It’s vitally important to receive support with this. You may only need 15 minutes; or you may need more time. Sliding scale available.

NOTE: All change and all healing requires TIME , CONSISTENCY and PATIENCE.

It’s taken a lifetime of experiences to create the imprints, the trauma, the negative self judgments, etc. so they will not be completely wiped out after one session. But just like consistently exercising and eating healthy food can shift your body to be in a healthier physical state, tending to your emotional body, and energy body, with consistency and compassion will help you feel more balanced, settled and happy. Every session is beneficial in a unique way.

My goal is to assist you in to feeling lovable and worthy exactly as you are, embracing all aspects of yourself with equanimity and awe.

Janet's waiting room

Sessions are held in person at a private healing suite in western Sebastopol.
The suite consists of a sound healing room, kitchen, sitting area and a bathroom. Tea, water, nuts and chocolate are available. You are welcome to use all facilities.

  • In Person Sessions
  • First Session – 2+ hours
  • Follow up Sessions – 2 hours
  • Phone Sessions
  • Phone Sessions
  • Price
  • $250
  • $225
  • $100 per hour | $25/15 minutes

In Person Sessions
First Session – 2+ hours / $250
Follow up Sessions – 2 hours / $225

Phone Sessions
$100 per hour | $25/15 minutes

All payments can be made with cash, check, PayPal or Venmo and are due at the end of the session.

Booking Policy :
In Person sessions require a $100 deposit to hold the date. This will be applied toward your payment.  Deposits can be made with check, PayPal or Venmo.
Cancellation Policy: if you need to cancel or change your in person appointment, please contact me . Your deposit is fully refundable if you cancel at least 48 hours in advance of your session date. Your deposit is not refundable if you cancel within 48 hours but you can apply the money toward a future session.