About Me

I am an Intuitive Empath who loves connecting on a heart to heart level with people.

Since 2006, I have been deeply immersed in learning about the human energy fields and how our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual “bodies “ are constantly creating and influencing each other.

It was at this time that I also began exploring my concept of Spirituality – discovering who I am I beyond my form, my identity, my programs. Since I was brought up as an atheist it was a radical shift for me to realize that my essence exists on many timelines and many dimensions and is eternal.

I truly enjoy using my training in Hypnotherapy, Intuition Medicine®, Biofield Tuning, and other modalities to assist people in embodying their own true Divine nature and living in a more empowered, harmonious, joyous way.

I believe that humanity is undergoing a huge shift in consciousness right now. All that is not in alignment with Love, in our own selves and in the “outer” world is being revealed so that we can change for the better. We are now opening to a true understanding of the wisdom of our Souls, the intelligence of our bodies, the strength of our hearts and the power of our Spirits.

It’s an exciting time and I’m honored to be a part of it with you.

Healer Janet Ashby

Janet, appreciating two of her favorite things, Redwood trees and squirrels.